Norway Cup with its own ball for UN sustainability goals

Oslo.Norway Cup .Photo: Fabian Stratenschulte / Norway Cup / NTB Scanpix

In a week, it is  kick off for the Norway Cup. At the forefront,a ‘sustainability-ball’ is handed out to celebrities and politicians around the world.


On Saturday 28th July, the football tournament starts at Ekebergsletta in Oslo. Teams from all over Norway, and in addition, many foreign teams, in total, 1,900 teams and 30,000 players will take part.

Approximately 5,000 matches will be played, and in all matches,the Norway Cup’s own sustainability ball will be used. The ball symbolises the UN’s sustainability goals.

This year, life under water and gender equality have been chosen as the most important themes.


“Norway Cup has a responsibility in terms of environment and sustainable solutions,” said General Secretary, Tony Isaksen, of Bækkelaget Sports Club and Norway Cup.

He indicated that the football tournament reaches a young and large audience from all over the world. They put an agenda on important social topics.

Prime Minister Erna Solberg and the Secretary General of Bækkelaget have had a sustainability ball on their travels around the world. Some celebrities have gotten their own sustainability ball, and many have also signed a copy that has been brought back to Norway.

In addition, important international politicians and powers such as Germany’s Prime Minister Angela Merkel, India’s Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, former

Prime Minister, Gordon Brown in the United Kingdom, UN Secretary General, António Guterres, Argentina’s President, Mauricio Macri, Head of the World Bank, Jim Yong Kim, Japan’s Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe, and Alibaba – Chief, Jack Ma, gave their support for the Norway Cup’s UN sustainability goals.

Choose goals

All teams participating in the football tournament must choose one of the UN’s
sustainability goals when they sign up.

‘’Norway Cup is an event that takes global developments seriously. We have a responsibility to raise awareness of children and youth,” said Norway Cup’s boss.

This year there will be a number of activities related to the sustainability goals
chosen.There will be beach cleaning, and projects related to gender equality, inclusion and the environment.


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