Lars Lagerbäck’s football heroes rose to 58th place in the freshest FIFA rankings. Germany still tops the tree, with Brazil and Portugal.
There has not been a national match since the previous ranking in December, when Norway were in 59th position. The Norwegian team fell one point, to 572 points.
The next matches for Lagerbäck’s team will be against Australia at Ullevaal Stadium on March the 23rd, and an away game with Albania three days later. Australia is
ranked the 36th best country in the world, while Albania is in 60th position.
World champions, Germany, still thrive at the top of the FIFA ranking. Åge Hareides’ Denmark are still in 12th place, while Sweden are also unchanged in 18th position.
Top ten
1) Germany 1602,
2) Brazil 1483,
3) Portugal 1358,
4) Argentina 1348,
5) Belgium 1325,
6) Spain 1231,
7) Poland 1209,
8) Switzerland 1190,
9) France 1183,
10) Chile 1147
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