Bruce Springsteen to play at Voldsløkka in Oslo next summer

Photo: Berit Roald / NTB

On June 30 next year, Bruce Springsteen will play at Voldsløkka in Oslo as part of a larger tour in Europe.

“After six years, I look forward to meeting our fantastic and loyal fans next year. And I look forward to sharing the stage with the legendary E Street Band again. See you next year,” the Boss wrote on his website.

Ticket sales open next Friday, Live Nation informs.

The European tour starts in Barcelona on April 28.

Dublin, Paris, Ferrara, Rome, Amsterdam, Landgraaf, Zurich, Düsseldorf, Gothenburg, Copenhagen, Hamburg, Vienna, Munich, and Monza will also be included in the tour. 

In addition, venues and dates for concerts in the UK and Belgium will be announced at a later date.

Source : © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayTravel

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