The Music industry not very pessimistic despite digitalization
A Norwegian doctoral thesis about digital changes in the music industry is based on footage from the until now unknown industry meetings held in Kristiansand.
– Pessimism was remarkably coherent in 2007. There was little faith in the music industry’s future, but eventually the industry got on top of the digital development, says Daniel Nordgård to
Nordgård is a researcher at the University of Agder (University), and recently disserted a thesis on how digital changes have affected the music industry.
The starting point for the dissertation was talks between music producers, plenary directors, journalists and academics from Europe and the United States who frequently traveled to Kristiansand in the years 2007 to 2012.
Pink Floyd
The initiative came from UiA professor and musician Bendik Hofseth. Together with former Pink Floyd manager Peter Jenner, he gathered several of the leading international players in the music industry for talks about the future of the music industry.
The purpose was to find out how a new master’s program for music managers could build up on the University of Agder. In addition, Kristiansand Round table Conferences became a gathering place where industry people aired frustrations and discussed solutions to the music industry’s challenges in a new era.
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