Princess Ingrid Alexandra thanked her family for a safe and good upbringing – and her Grandfather King Harald for the competitive instinct.
“Thanks, Mom and Dad. Thanks for raising me. Thank you for everything I have learned from you and for helping me to become the person I am today,” she said during her confirmant’s thank you speech after lunch at the Castle.
Nearly 160 guests were present during the lunch, which took place in the Great Dining Room at the Castle.
Guests from near and far had arrived for the confirmation ceremony, and the princess began thanking the international guests in English. She also thanked her siblings and family dogs – Milly Cocoa and Muffins Kråkebolle.
Thanks for all our selfies
“Grandpa, you’ve taught me many important things. I also think I have inherited many traits from you, such as having a very strong competitive instinct, but of course it also comes from my mother’s side of the family. And I especially want to thank you for all the times you have made me laugh. And all our fine selfies,” said the princess.
She also thanked her grandmother for teaching her words of wisdom and exposing her to culture.
“I want to thank you for all the culture you have shown me. And my sculpture park that has become so nice. Thank you for all the trips you have taken Maud and me on. But most of all, I want to thank you for all the evenings you’ve been caressed my arms and told me bedtime stories,” said Ingrid Alexandra.
Making waffles and driving
Grandmother Marit Tjessem was also given a big thank you for making waffle and driving me places over the years.
“Thank you for always being with us when mom and dad have been traveling. You’ve been a big part of my life,” the confirmed said.
The princess was confirmed at 12 o’clock in the Castle Chapel of the Castle, before lunch. Both King Harald, Queen Sonja, as well as the Crown Prince couple gave speeches during the luncheon. It was an emotional day for the family, and both the royal couple and the crown prince couple were clearly touched by each other’s speeches.
The lunch menu was completely meatless. The main course consisted of baked halibut with autumn vegetables and shellfish ajus, while the dessert was yuzu and mango mousse with a cake-roll and mango sorbé.
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