Nikab is henceforth banned from the classroom
The leader of the Oslo Met Student Parliament will attend wearing a balaclava if someone is dismissed from the classroom because of the ban against face-covering garments like a Nikab or Burka.
In early June, the Government’s proposal to introduce a ban on face-covering garments in education situations was adopted by the Norwegian Parliament. All parties supported the amendment to the law except the Socialists (SV), Red (R) and the Greens (MDG).
The ban applies to educational situations throughout the course of education, from kindergartens to universities and colleges. Pupils, students, and employees in places of education in both the private and public sectors are those primarily affected. It does not apply to pauses, breaks or at staff meetings.
The law came into force as of Wednesday this week.
Will attend wearing a balaclava
Bjørn Harald Hegreberg Garborg, head of the Student Parliament at Oslo Met, strongly disagrees with the legislation.
– Today we want to convey our opinion that a proposal aimed at barring a group of people from higher education is not acceptable and that we will not give in before education is available to everyone, says Garborg to the student newspaper Khrono.
He says he will initiate his own protest action if the ban on Nikab and Burka is enforced by his university.
– The UH sector (university and college sector, journalists note) were against the proposal, and I expect that one will continue to do so. If I find out that someone at Oslo Met is thrown out of the classroom due to this legislation, I will personally attend class wearing a balaclava.
Supports demonstrations
The Norwegian student organization is also critical of the law that has now been adopted.
– One has been able to regulate this locally, and there have been no problems relating to it according to my knowledge of the matter. Education contributes to increased equality, but in this instance, it ends up with barring people from higher education, says leader Håkon Randgaard Mikalsen.
– Do you support actions of the type Garborg alerts about?
– We support demonstrations against this law, but I do not know if it’s a good idea to walk around the campus wearing a balaclava. I do however understand his intentions.
The Progress Party (Frp) reacts to the initiative
Member of Parliament and rapporteur for the bill, Åshild Bruun-Gundersen (Progress Party), reacts to the initiative by Garborg.
– I think it’s very strange that someone is fighting for the right to wear oppressive garments such as a burka in the Norwegian society. Now we have finally landed a majority for a ban during education, and we do not accept that anyone tries to water down this ban. Anyone who violates this ban will be sanctioned, says Bruun-Gundersen to NTB, and continues:
– I expect that anyone who wears such garments during education will be expelled from the school or university. It is important that a signal is issued that such garments are not acceptable.
She adds that she hopes it is now heading towards a complete ban on face-covering garments in the Norwegian society as a whole.
– I am extremely pleased that we have adopted this ban. We see that other countries in Europe now follow suit, says the Progress Party MP.
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