Students who failed the maths exam for the pre-course for teacher training will get a second chance, according to the government.
At several universities and colleges procedural errors were committed in the test after the preliminary course in mathematics. Students at these campuses will now get to take a new examination, unless they passed it first time round.
Those who passed, can start studying in the fall.
– There have been complaints of procedural errors in the implementation of the sample, and it may be that some universities are pursuant to these complaints. We will ensure that there is a new trial in the places where there have been procedural errors, says Education Minister Torbjørn Røe Isaksen.
The government has tightened math requirement for getting into teaching, and all students must have a minimum grade 4 from the their math course in high school.
Applicants who had a grade 3 in mathematics, have been offered to take preparatory course to qualify for teacher training.
According to senior adviser Stian Stang Christiansen in the Ministry of Education, it got 37 complaints of procedural errors, the online newspaper Khronos writes.
In total, 472 students are up to a new math exam. A full 75 percent of those districts, only 118 passed with a grade of four or more.
Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today