The Minister of education wants to bring together the nation’s top natural science students in talent centers across the country.
The students with a special talent for science may soon become lonely academically in their own school. Often they do not get enough challenges, and they miss students they can work with and who can challenge them academically. We hope these talent centers will help them, says Minister Torbjørn Røe Isaksen.
The Talent Centers are one of the measures in a new action plan to make Norwegian students better in mathematics, science, and technology.
The Talent Centers will be introduced as a pilot project during the year and be located and adjacent to some of the country’s science centers.
– The centers will be tasked with gathering talents in their region and creating an experience that stimulates them and makes sure they can use their abilities, says Isaksen.
The project will target pupils with a particular interest in science at all all age levels .
Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today