It will be cheaper to pay online than at traffic stations
As of January 1st, 2019, there will be a lowered fee for some services when utilising the Norwegian Public Roads Administration’s self-service solutions and do not meet up personally at the traffic station. – When you perform the service yourself, it’s fair for you to pay less for it, Minister of Transport, Jon Georg Dale promises.
The Norwegian Public Roads Administration has developed digital solutions recently, which provide increased flexibility and accessibility for users, while the Norwegian Public Roads Administration is able to exert the most important tasks in a more efficient way.
In order to enhance the use of these digital solutions, it is necessary to introduce deviating fees for certain services, depending on whether the user performs the service digitally or meets up at the traffic station in person.
Initially, this fee applies for duplicate driver licenses and issued driving distance cards for long-haul vehicles. These services will be significantly cheaper by using self-service solutions.
In addition to an index regulation, there is no additional charge for being serviced at a traffic station. When new digital solutions are implemented, different fees will also be considered for these services.
The Public Roads Administration writes
The Public Roads Administration offer many digital services so people can fix things easily, quickly and safely where they are – instead of spending time at a traffic station. From the new year, a principle of differentiated fees is introduced.
Director in the Norwegian Public Roads Administration, Bodil Rønning Dreyer states:
“We now make it cheaper to use our digital services rather than meeting up at a traffic station. We are committed to having the correct cost level on the fees: When we save labour costs by that people arrange payment themselves, it’s reasonable that they receive a lower fee. In addition, we want the largest possible use of our digital services, which are simple, safe and fast to use.
For example, we have around 30,000 issues of driver cards a year. From the new year, it will be around half the price if one pays online compared to at a traffic station. Here drivers will, therefore, save money, while also saving time on handling this at the counter.
Fees that will be cheaper to pay online initially:
See all available digital services at
© Ministry of Transport / #Norway Today