The incidence of acute myocardial infarction and acute stroke has been reduced by 24 and 13 per cent respectively, in six years, according to new figures from the Norwegian Institute of Public Health.
Statistics from the Cause of Death Register have for many years shown that fewer people die of cardiovascular disease. Now new figures show that even fewer people receive acute heart attack and stroke.
In 2018, just over 2,000 fewer people had acute myocardial infarction, and 300 fewer people had acute stroke compared to 2012.
Consultant Rune Kvåle in the Cardiovascular and Cardiac Registry at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health explains the decline in acute cardiovascular disease in this way:
Favorable changes in risk factors such as blood pressure, cholesterol, diet and smoking have probably had a major impact on the decline.
He says that the figures indicate that preventive measures are an important explanation for the decline in both the number contracting it or die of cardiovascular disease in Norway.
This is a significant decline that has come despite an increasing number of elderly people in the population, says Kvåle.
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