There are five new cases of sick dogs since Tuesday, the Norwegian Food Safety Authority (Mattilsynet) reports. The sick dogs are from Oslo, Telemark, Vest-Agder, Nordland and Finnmark.
All dogs have symptoms such as bloody diarrhea, vomiting and reduced general condition, according to the Food Safety Authority.
In addition, there have been reports of dogs with more moderate symptoms.
Several dogs will be autopsied in the coming days, and in addition, sample material from sick dogs will be analysed.
Advice for dog owners
Due to an unclear situation and several illnesses and deaths, all dog owners are advised to follow these tips:
* Restrict close contact with other dogs.
* Don’t let your dog greet other dogs on a walk.
* Avoid your dog sniffing a lot in ditches where other dogs have been.
* Get to the vet quickly if you notice bloody or splashing diarrhea, vomiting and rapidly deteriorating general condition of your dog.
* Follow the vaccine recommendations of the veterinarian. For example, the parvovirus can cause severe intestinal inflammation.
* Large gatherings such as exhibitions and dressage courses should be avoided or carried out in a way that limits contact between dogs.
* Call your veterinarian before taking your dog with you to the clinic.
Source: Anicura, Food Safety Authority
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