Most children and adolescents received the vaccines recommended in the childhood vaccination program shows coverage figures for 2017 and 2018.
Norway is at the top in the world when it comes to the proportion of children who are vaccinated through the childhood vaccination program. There is no indication that the inclusion has fallen in recent years.
‘’The vast majority of children and young people in Norway receive the vaccines that are recommended through the childhood vaccination program. A formidable effort is made by the health nurses in municipalities all over the country, which we believe explain the good figures’’ said senior
adviser ,Evy Dvergsdal, of the National Vaccine Register SYSVAK.
The coverage was high for all six examples we have included in this year’s statistics. The first dose of measles, mumps and rubella vaccines are usually given at 15 months of age. Figures from the vaccine register show that 96% of the children have received the first dose by the time they reach the age of two.
‘’Several European countries have an increasing incidence of measles. The high vaccination coverage in Norway means that there is little risk of larger outbreaks of measles here, even though we also see individual cases in Norway’’ said consultant, Øystein Riise, of the Norwegian Institute of Public Health.
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