51 percent believe that Norway should be open to active euthanasia, according to a survey conducted by Norstat for ABC News.
1,019 people were questioned in the survey and the majority of both men and women believe that active euthanasia should be opened for people with serious diseases that cannot be cured.
Figures from the survey show that young people are most open to euthanasia, while people over the age of 60 are most skeptical.
The Progress Party opens in its party program of active death in some situations. The party’s health policy spokeswoman Åshild Bruun-Gundersen believes that the time is ripe to discuss the topic in a serious manner.
“I really hope the other political parties will take this in,” she told ABC News.
In a survey conducted by Ipsos for Dagbladet in March, three out of four responded positively to allowing active euthanasia.
© NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today