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Norwegian company could be three years away from cancer vaccine


Within three to four years, the world’s first universal cancer vaccine could be ready, made by Norwegian researchers.

The vaccine has been announced on the basis of a decisive study to find out if the vaccine works wrote NRK news.

‘’The big dream is that cancer will become a chronic disease that we can treat, so it becomes more a case of living with the cancer disease than to die from it, that is our hope’’ said Jònas Einarsson, CEO of Radiumhospitalets research foundation (Radforsk) and chair of the pharmaceutical company, Ultimovacs.

Ultimovacs is developing a vaccine that can be used in conjunction with all types of cancer and can keep it in check. The company believes that they have the opportunity to further develop the vaccine as preventative for patients who, for example, have hereditary cancer
in their family wrote NRK.

According to the researchers, the vaccine will help most people survive cancer when combined with current immunotherapy.

In the decisive study, about 150 patients affected by splenic cancer with proliferation will participate. The company has seen signs that the vaccine is working, but it has not been tested on many enough to say this with complete certainty.

© NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today

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