25 percent of the population plan to reduce the consumption of red meat during 2017, according to a new survey.
The survey is conducted by Sentio Research commissioned by Nationen.
The survey shows that 72% of the population have no plans to reduce meat consumption, while 3% answered “don’t know”. Women are the most eager to eat less meat, with 29% of them answered that they have such a plan.
In a similar survey last year, 23% said they would reduce their consumption of red meat during 2016, but it is uncertain how many have carried through with this.
In recent decades, meat consumption in Norway increased steadily. In 1955, Norwegians on average ate 33.3 kg of meat, while preliminary figures for 2015 are 71.4 kilograms. The Directorate of Health recommends eating a maximum of 500 grams of red meat or other meat by-products a week.
Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today