People are divided on abortion of a twin

DemonstrationOslo.Parliament in Norway (Stortinget) Demonstration for abortion law.Photo: Audun Braastad / NTB scanpix

The proportion that believe twins should always be allowed when both foetuses are healthy is almost as big as the proportion that are completely opposed.


The split appears in a survey conducted by Norstat on behalf of Vårt Land newspaper.They asked the question, “Should an abortion/ foetal reduction be allowed?” The respondents received four response options. These were, “Yes, always, although both foetuses are healthy”, “Yes, but only if there is a foetal disease”, “No” and “Do not know”.

Of the respondents, 25% said of twin abortion/foetal reduction should always be allowed, 29% said “yes” to such abortion, but only if one of the foetuses had a disease, 27% said “no”, while 19% said “do not know” to the question.

When asked about part-time referrals, there is a picture that may indicate potential challenges for a government with KrF, FrP, Høyre and Venstre at the same table with different preferences in the measurement.

Around 70% of KrF voters said “no”. On the other hand,left-wing voters were 50% in favour of still allowing twinning without reservation. Both Høyre and the Frp voters were in the majority who said “yes”, but subject to proven illness in one of the foetus’. 40% of the blue voters opted for this.

The newspaper did not indicate how many people were asked or when the survey was done.


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