Children growing up in Singapore have the best childhood shows a new upbringing index from Redd Barna. Norway is third on the list, second to Slovenia.
Towards the end of the childhood index, Nigeria,Mali and the Central African Republic are at bottom of the index.
175 countries are ranked according to a number of criteria related to children’s health, education and protection, including access to school, nutrition,child labour, child abuse, pregnancy and extreme violence.
Compared with last year’s index, the situation for children has improved in 95 of the countries. In most of South America, Russia and Asia, developments have gone forward.
‘’This is welcome news and shows that targeted policies and investments are useful,’’ wrote Redd Barna in the report.
1.2 billion children threatened
At the same time, poverty, conflict and discrimination against girls threatens childhood for 1.2 billion children.
In about 40 countries, primarily in much of sub-Saharan Africa, the situation of children has deteriorated since last year. They were shown to have the least opportunities for a childhood that takes care of their need for good emotional, social and physical development.
In the South American countries of Chile, Ecuador, Venezuela,Guatemala, Panama and Suriname, developments are reversing.
“The development is not moving fast enough,” said Redd Barna in the report.
The gap increases
‘’The index documents huge gaps between rich and poor countries.It is urgent to make progress for the most vulnerable children,’’ said Redd Barna, reminding that all children to have the same right to life and happiness,no matter where in the world they were born, or what their gender.
The world’s three major powers, the United States, Russia and China, are also far behind Western European countries when it comes to ensuring children a happy childhood.The United States is 36th, Russia 37th, while China is at number 40 on the list.
Sweden, Finland, Ireland, the Netherlands, Iceland and Italy are all among the top 10 countries, along with South Korea.
Girls get harder conditions
Lost childhoods are largely due to poverty and conflict,which often goes extra hard against the girls according to Redd Barna.
Among other things, they get less access to school, and risk marriage and having children at a young age.
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