The Norwegian Mountain Board Association plans to clear away thousands of boat wrecks and debris throughout mountains nationwide.
Clear away toxins and plastic from pristine environments
The Norwegian Mountain Board Association (Norsk fjellstyresamband, NFS) plans to clear away thousands of boat wrecks, debris, and other trash polluting mountainous areas, especially lakes. The Association plans not only to help clean up but also wants to analyze the effect that plastic, fiberglass, and other polluting toxins from the wrecks have on the environment.
Jan Borgnes, general manager of the NFS, spoke of the aims of the clean-up. He explained to Nationen that “the mountain boards want to map the extent of old boat wrecks in the mountains. Furthermore, we want to find methods for the easiest possible retrieval of the wrecks from the mountain, so that we clean up for future generations.” He noted that boat wrecks were often a common sight in Norwegians mountains and that “plastic, antifouling paint, and fiberglass are toxic in a vulnerable environment.”
Three municipalities to trial this spring, 800 tonnes removed last summer in the Oslo fjord
Three municipalities will be part of the pilot project this spring. Lesa and Øyer in Innladent along with Røyrvik in Trøndelag will see mountain pollution and trash removed and analyzed. There is to be an expected several thousand boats to be cleared from mountainous areas, according to Noscarn Partners advisor Sveinar Kilda.
The company was responsible for a similar cleanup project initiated last summer throughout the Oslo fjord. Some 600 leisure boats were removed from the fjord which, Kildal stated, amounted to 800 tonnes of plastic pollution and waste.
Source : © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today /#NorwayTodayTravel
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