The border with Russia 2 kilometres longer

Norwegian Border Commissioner, Roger JakobsenNorwegian Border Commissioner, Roger Jakobsen on the border with Russia. Behind him walks a Russian border guard. Photo: Norwegian Police.

The border with Russia 2 kilometres longer than before

For the first time since 1947, Norway and Russia have surveyed the entire (land) border between the two countries.


The survey shows that the border with Russia is 197.7 kilometres (122.85 miles) long. That is 2 kilometres more than it was at the previous measurement, states the Norwegian Police Directorate (Politidirektoratet).

– Three-quarters of the border is running through waterways. One widely used principle is the border following the deepest points of a river. Over time, these points and meanders will change when running water erodes the river runs. This is one of the reasons why the demarcation now is longer than in the previous measurement, says Norwegian Border Commissioner, Roger Jakobsen.

Technological advances

Another reason is that technological advances have made the measurement of arcs and curves more accurate than before.

Norway and Russia have collaborated on the survey. Norway has been responsible for aerial photography, while the Russians have conducted depth measurements in rivers, streams and lakes.

The Border Commissioner is subject to the Police Directorate as an independent body. The tasks are to ensure that bilateral agreements between Norway and Russia are respected, prevent events, and clarify facts and conduct negotiations regarding events.


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