Tougher for the Next Generation


Four out of ten believe the new generation will have it tougher

While four out of ten believe those who are growing up today will be worse off financially than they have been, three out of ten believe that the growing generation will be getting it better.


On behalf of the Klassekampen newspaper, Sentio has conducted a survey where the respondents were asked to compare their own situation with those who come after them: “Do you think those who grow up today will be better, worse or just as financially secure as your generation?” posed the question.

40% responded that they think the growing generation will get it worse, while 31% responded better. Almost as many, 25%, or one in four, thinks it will be about the same.

Less pesimistic

Even though there are more people who think it will be worse than those of those who believe it will be better for the next generation, the view of the future is less pessimistic than two years ago. Then, 45% believed that today’s little ones would get it worse, while only 19% thought they would get it better.

Town and country are quite alike, while those living in small towns, places with fewer than 5,000 inhabitants, have the least faith in the future.

‘’People in urban areas often work in industry, and there is still a marked down-turn from oil. From other surveys, for example, we see that Western Norway and Southern Norway are pointing out places where people are too afraid to make large investment,’’ said Karen Lillebø, who works with social trends in the opinion polling institute, Ipsos.

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