On the night of Sunday the 31st of March at 02.00, summer time starts. This means that the clock is set one hour ahead, and you can look forward to brighter evenings.
‘’Many have hoped that the clock changing position will soon end. But it is not so. A plaster on the wound is that we get brighter evenings. It is good news for everybody” said Torbjørn Røe Isaksen of Høyre (H).
Like the EU, Norway has been clock changing for a long time. In the autumn, the EU Commission proposed that we should stop putting the clock back and forth every six months.
On Tuesday, the European Parliament proposed for it to be up to each member country from 2021 to decide whether to keep the winter time or summer time as its standard time.
There are also discussions in the EU Council of Ministers. It is only when the Council have adopted the recommendation that the proposal will be adopted in the EU.
It probably happens in June.
The EU member states must decide on the time they will follow by 1st April 2020.
‘’Norway is in the process of evaluating the proposal for our part, and the case will be sent for consultation’’ said the Minister of Business and Industry.
The minister is responsible for metrology, and thus also control at the exact time. A straightforward rule is that the watch should always be set against the next summer. So one hour until spring (towards summer) and one hour back in the autumn (towards summer).
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