Youngsters spend less time with friends
Seven out of ten youngsters stay home more than two nights every week. This is shown in a report from UngData (Youth Data). An increasing number spend the evenings at home instead of with friends.
72 per cent of youth in secondary school and high school state that they have staying at their own home for two nights or more during the last week. This is revealed from a survey from UngData mapping the habits of Norwegian youngsters.
Of these, 23 per cent of the secondary school pupils and 20 per cent of high school students state that they have stayed home every night for at least six out of the last seven days.
This is a definite change since 2011 when 75 per cent visited friend’s homes in the same week. This year this percentage dropped to 60 percent.
Research leader in UngData, Anders Bakken, tells P4 that he is not worried.
– We assume this is about smartphones and new forms of communication. It’s nice that young people use more social arenas.
– For some, it may however become a bit overshadowing, and if it occupies all their available time, it may lead to a more limited adolecense than spending time together in real life as well, says Bakken.
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