Statkraft is reducing its workforce by 500-600 people to save costs. Just under 200 must go in Norway.
The power company, which in total has about 3,800 employees, downsized by 84 people already last year. Excluding Brazil the cuts are between 200 and 240 people, and a significant part of this is in Norway, says Rynning-Tønnesen..
– We have to get a streamlined, efficiently and cost-effectively consolidated, because of the competition in the entire energy market is getting fiercer, continues Rynning-Tønnesen.
Overall Statkraft the costs saving will be at 800 million and the reduction in the number of employees amounted to 40 percent of this. Rynning-Tønnesen can not rule out layoffs.
– We hope to implement this with voluntary measures. But it remains to be seen whether we can do it, he says.
The workforce reductions in the company will be completed during 2018.
Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today