Aker Solutions has sent a notification to all its 6,000 employees in Norway. The alert was sent out Friday.
The forecast applies in principle to all employees at ten different locations around the country.
– “It is too early to say how many people it may concern,” says press contact Cathrine Gjertsen Aker Solution to Stavanger Aftenblad.
To VG, Communications Manager Ivar Simensen states that the company is working on the consequences for the projects they are working on.
The first discharges in the company can be implemented in two weeks.
© NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today
Title and info not correct. It is a notification for potential lay-off. Not a real one yet. Nothing confirmed yet. Please correct
Beklager at en av våre medarbeidere har gjort feil. Men har du noe å tilføye /rette i nyheten så er det bare å sende oss en rettet orginal på e-mail
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Norway Today