Apple launched several services on Monday, including its own credit card, power service, and “Spotify for Magazines”.
Apple boss Tim Cook declared that the company will compete with power giants such as Netflix and HBO.
The IT giant renewed its old TV app, calling it Apple TV +.
‘’Amazing stories can change the world. We believe we can contribute something important to society through storytelling, Cook said, presenting the plans in Cupertino, California.
During the launch, a number of American movie stars participated, such as Jennifer Aniston, Steven Spielberg, and Reese Witherspoon.
The company had previously announced that it plans to spend $2 billion in 2019 on its own content for the power service.
Apple also launched its own credit card and a friend payment service on Monday night. The credit card is called Apple Card, and the creation meant Apple also gained a foot in the finance industry.
The company also presented a subscription service for games, called Apple Arcade, which will include more than 100 new games.
‘Apple News plus’ is a further development of Apple’s news service. The app will give users access to over 300 publications for around NOK 100 a month. Initially, this “Spotify solution” for magazines will only be available in the US and Canada.
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