Registered turnover of beer this quarter totalled almost 55 million litres. This is 1.5 million litres more or almost 3 per cent higher than the same quarter in the previous year.
Registered turnover of alcopops increased by 10.5 per cent, while registered turnover of wine and spirits decreased by 5.2 and 4.6 per cent respectively compared to the 1st quarter of 2015. In terms of volume, the turnover of alcopop increased by 315 000 litres, and wine and spirits decreased by 904 000 litres and 111 000 litres respectively.
In total, the registered turnover were 16.4 million litres of wine, 55 million litres of beer, 2.3 million litres of spirits and 3.3 million litres of alcopops in the 1st quarter of 2016.
Decline in amount of pure alcohol
Registered turnover of pure alcohol totalled 5.6 million litres for the first quarter this year. This is a decrease of 65 000 litres or 1.0 per cent compared to the same period in 2015.
Alcohol consumption per capita
The registered turnover in Norway in the first quarter of 2016 totalled 1.30 litres of pure alcohol per capita. The corresponding figure for 2015 was 1.33 litres, which is a decrease of about 2 per cent.
Source: SSB / Norway Today