Norwegians are less concerned about eating foods produced in their home country than the Danes and Swedes
In Norway, 63% of responses said it is important that the food products are made in Norway, according to a survey conducted on behalf of Orkla as mentioned in the newspaper Nationen.
In Sweden, the proportion is 80%, while it is 72% in Denmark.
Over twice as many Swedes to Norwegians say it is “very important” that the food is made in their home country, 38 to 15 percent.
Researcher Annechen Bugge from the National Institute for Consumer Research (SIFO) says the numbers are consistent with their own.
Meanwhile, she points out that surveys show that in recent years it has become more important for Norwegians to eat food produced in Norway.
– If we look at marketing and a the variety in Norwegian grocery stores, we can see that the effort is to promoting Norwegian raw materials and products. Consumers want it.
All our studies shows this, but so far there is not enough range of food and far worse than what the Danish and Swedish consumers have.
Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today