The percentage who receive support from Nav is decreasing, particularly among young people. It has fallen approximately 40% in the past 23 years.
A new analysis from Nav showed that the percentage of recipients of benefits among the 18 to 66 age group fell from 24 to 19.7% between 1992 and 2016.
‘The image growing in the outside world doesn’t match the reality and should be shedded. Fewer people are dependent on Nav benefits today than they were in the past, and very few receive benefits throughout their lives’, said Knowledge Director,Yngvar Åsholt.
The analysis showed that most people who receive benefits do so for a limited period of time before returning to work, or retirement.
According to Nav, measures to slow down the growth in health-related expenses have had a big impact. It also introduced activity requirements for sickness benefits.
The percentage of young people aged between 18 and 29 who receive benefits from Nav has fallen from approximately 20% in 1994, to approximately 12% today.
The decrease is mainly due to the sharp decline in the number of people receiving unemployment benefit. At the same time, the share of recipients of health-related benefits has increased, where work-settlement benefits have had the greatest impact.
‘It is worrying that more young people receive health-related benefits. Our goal is to increase participation in the workplace, and especially among young people at work’, said Åsholt.
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