Scammers attempted to drain 26,000 DNB bank cards for small krone amounts. According to the bank, no one had suffered financial losses.
‘’We can confirm that a card series of a total of 26,000 cards had been tried by the fraud’’ said communications advisor Andreas Nyheim
of DNB to E24 news.
It is about short-number testing where the fraudsters have guessed on many different cards.
The transactions would have been a few kroner per transfer. In cases where the transaction had gone through, the customers have been returned the sum.
After the fraud was discovered, several of the cards were blocked and closed for e-commerce.
‘’We now have control. We have obtained an overview of the situation and implemented necessary security measures” said Nyheim.
He warned people against responding to emails asking them to give away card information, BankID or national ID numbers.
‘’No banks or serious businesses would ask about this in an email’’ said Nyheim to NRK news.
© NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today