The first part of the main road E39 will soon be ready for development
All the municipalities involved have said yes and the development of the new E39 between Kristiansand and Sandnes can therefore start as planned.
It is the conclusion of Nye Veier AS after Søgne municipality on Thursday evening said yes. From before, the other affected municipalities, Kristiansand, Songdalen and Mandal have given their consent.
– A significant milestone for the project, says Development Manager Harald J. Solvik in a comment.
It is the first stretch between Kristiansand west and Mandal East which will be started. The stretch is 19 kilometers and becomes a four-lane highway with a speed limit of 110 kilometers per hour. The development can not begin before May next year, and will at the earliest be finished in the fourth quarter of 2021.
Finished in 2027
However, some small things remain, like purchasing buildings that have to be removed and to complete drilling to verify the state of the ground.
The entire upgraded stretch between Kristiansand and Sandnes is expected to be completed in 2027.
Nye Veier AS, Wikipedia
Nye Veier AS is a Norwegian state-owned company founded on 4 May 2015. The company took over responsibility for the development and operation of certain motorways from the Norwegian Public Roads Administration from 1 January 2016. The company is established as a construction organization, and is initially responsible for building European route 39 between Kristiansand and Ålgård, European route 18 and European route 6 in Trøndelag and the Mjøs region.
The Ministry of Transport and Communications administers the state’s ownership interests, and the Minister for Transport is the company’s general assembly.
The chairman is Rolf G. Roverud and other board members are Dag Morten Dalen, Eli Giske, Siri B. Hatlen and Harald V. Nikolaisen. The head office is located in Kristiansand.
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