Electric cars soon have to pay for parking in municipal places in Oslo

Electric carsElectric cars.Photo:Pixabay

From March 1st, electric car owners must pay in municipal parking places in Oslo, although they only pay 20 per cent of what petrol and diesel cars pay.

The introduction of parking fees for electric cars will apply to all public parking spaces; resident parking and guest parking, writes Oslo Municipality in a press release.

Until now, electric cars have been able to park for free in municipal parking spaces.

“Electric car sales are reaching new heights in Oslo, and it should always be worthwhile to choose electric cars rather than fossil fuel cars. But electric cars also swirl up dust particles and take up a lot of space in the streets, especially in the center of Oslo where we have Norway’s best public transport offer and ever better bike paths. Therefore, electric cars now also have to pay something to park,” says environment counsellor Arild Hermstad (MDG/Green Party).

At the same time, the parking fee for petrol and diesel cars will increase by 20 per cent from 1st March.

There are different prices in the different zones in the city, and the times are different in different zones.

© NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today

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