Equinor and Statkraft in dialogue with politicians about the idea of a state-owned hydrogen company

Photo: Håkon Mosvold Larsen / NTB

According to E24, Equinor and Statkraft confirmed that they are in dialogue with politicians about hydrogen investments.

It has previously been known that the government is considering setting up a hydrogen company.

“What we are signaling now is a clear break with the passive business policy that has been pursued in recent years,” Minister of Trade and Industry Jan Christian Vestre (AP) told the newspaper Klassekampen in early November.

Minister of Climate and Environment Espen Barth Eide (AP) told the newspaper that the government is working on the idea.

Hydrogen investments

“The idea is that it does not compete against the current companies, but operates as a kind of engine that drives large hydrogen investments in Norway,” Eide told E24.

He emphasized that a state-owned company is not a goal in itself for the government – but a means.

“We will only use it as long as it is meaningful, regardless of whether it ends up being a new company or one of the ones we already have. I can say that both Equinor and Statkraft are possible candidates,” he said.

The state owns 100% of Statkraft and 67% of Equinor.

E24 has been in contact with both companies, which confirmed that they are in dialogue with politicians about their hydrogen investments.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayFinance

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