Equinor and their partners at Snorre and Gullfaks will explore the possibilities of supplying the Gullfaks and Snorre fields with power from floating ocean windmills.
Thus, the platforms could be the first in the world to be powered by floating wind turbines.
According to the oil company, the project could provide reductions of more than 200,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions per year, equivalent to emissions from 100,000 passenger cars according to a report from Equinor on Tuesday.
The solution to be considered is a wind farm consisting of eleven wind turbines that will have a total capacity of 88 MW and will cover approximately 35% of the annual power requirement of the five platforms, Snorre A and B and Gullfaks A, B, and C.
The project has a preliminary investment and development cost of around 5 billion Norwegian kroner. But it will not be built before the price goes down.
“This is a groundbreaking and challenging project that requires optimisation of the technical solutions and further cost reductions before the partners can make an investment decision,” said Olav-Bernt Haga, Project Director at Equinor.
A final investment decision may be taken in 2019 according to the oil company.
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