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Four per cent increase in new enterprises

Clothing sold.Clothing sold. Photo Norway Today Media

A total of 14 264 new enterprises were registered during the fourth quarter of 2015. This is an increase of 4 per cent compared with the same period in 2014. One in five new enterprises were registered as sole proprietorships.

A total of 59 314 new enterprises were registered in 2015. This is an increase of 2.5 per cent from 2014.

From 2014 to 2015, the number of new sole proprietorships increased by 6.4 per cent. During the same period, the number of new registered private limited companies increased by 2.6 per cent. In 2015, private limited companies accounted for 38.8 per cent of all new enterprises and sole proprietorships accounted for 57.8 per cent.

In 2015, most new enterprises were registered within professional, scientific and technical activities (14.8 per cent), construction (13.7 per cent), and retail trade (11.9 per cent).

Most new enterprises were registered in Oslo and Akershus in 2015. However, from 2014 to 2015 the largest absolute increase in the number of new enterprises was in Hordaland. Overall, 5 581 new enterprises were registered in Hordaland in 2015. This is an increase of 262 enterprises compared to the previous year.

The figures include all new enterprises except enterprises within agriculture, forestry, fishing and public administration.


Source: SSB / Norway Today