Historically low electricity prices in April

Power line electricityPower line. Photo Norway Today Media

Large amounts of snow in the mountains, rainfall, wind and warm weather led to historically low electricity prices in April.

The average electricity price for Oslo in April was 5.3 øre per kilowatt hour (kWh). In comparison, the average price in Oslo for April last year was eight times higher, at 40 øre per kWh.

We have seen such low electricity prices only in exceptional summer months in the years 2007, 2000, 1999 and 1998.

“In April, we had several days of electricity prices in Norway down to 3–4 øre per kWh, which is unusual at this time of year,” says Nord Pool Communications Director Stina Johansen.

On Easter Monday we had the lowest daily price since 2000 with a price of 2.60 øre per kWh.

© NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today

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