This year’s hunting season starts on Thursday in Nordfjella, and the quota for the area has been tripled. The entire herd of wild reindeer are to be slaughtered to prevent contagious disease.
Initially, ordinary hunting will take as much of the wildlife as possible in the area. After the season, which lasts from the 10th of August to the 31st October, a state employed hunting team will continue the pursuit of the remaining animals, according to the Norwegian Environmental Directorate.
‘We are aiming for the highest possible number of kills in the primary hunting season, and then the state hunt,’ said Minister of Agriculture, Jon Georg Dale, to NTB news agency when it became known in May that the full reindeer herd should be slaughtered in Nordfjella.
The entire species in that area will be gone by May the 1st, 2018. The price for the slaughter, and reconstruction of the herd is estimated at around 100 million kroner.
When all the animals are shot, the entire area must lay desolate for a minimum of five years. In addition, an infection protection zone will be established around Nordfjella.
© NTB Scanpix / Norway Today
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