Increased optimism among employers in summer

Increased optimism among employers in summerOslo. Increased optimism among employers in summer. Photo: Håkon Mosvold Larsen / Scanpix

Seven of nine employers say that they will increase staffing in the coming months. According to Manpower Employment group labor market barometer, optimism is high in the construction industry.

Employers plan modest increase in manpower during the summer months. Seven out of nine industries say, they will increase staffing in the next quarter. According to the labor market barometer, employers surveyed expect a seasonally adjusted staffing increase of three percent.

Employers in the industry of agricultural forestry, hunting and fishing, building and construction, are particularly expected to be positive in the next quarter. The latter group employers expect a net staffing increase of 12 percent.

This is good news for the building and construction industry. Maalfrid Brath, CEO of Manpower said in a statement, ‘’we expect an increased demand of labor for this industry, partly because of infrastructure projects and housing’’


Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today