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Interest is increasing for expensive watches

Photo: Torstein Bøe / NTB scanpix

Watchmaker Bjerke set a personal record of over NOK 274 million in turnover last year. According to the watchmaker, interest in expensive watches has increased, writes E24.

“Watch interest has increased in Norway, but also elsewhere in the world. We have been behind in Norway for many years, but now it has started to pick up,” says general manager Halvor Bjerke (64) in the watch chain, which sells exclusive watch brands, to E24.

According to last year’s accounts, the watchmaker got a profit of NOK 26.8 million. Bjerke explains the growth with increased demand for expensive watches among Norwegians. Previously, there has been increasing demand for tourists for expensive watches, which has been the main growth factor for the watch store.

Watchmaker Bjerke has two shops in Oslo and a shop in Bergen.

© NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today

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