The king opened bio-gas plant in Halden

King HaraldKing Harald.Photo: Vidar Ruud / NTB scanpix

King Harald undertook on Monday the official opening of the bio-gas plant at the Norwegian Forest Saugbrugs in Halden.

Hundreds of school children gave King Harald a warm welcome when he came to the Norwegian Forest Saugbrugs in Halden to open the new bio-gas plant on Monday .

The King was also welcomed by the CEO of Norwegian Forest , Sven Ombudstvedt , and executive director of the Norwegian Forest Saugbrugs, Kjell Arve Kure.

After the opening ceremony King Harald was taken on a tour of the factory, including a tour of the control room, where he gave one of the machines in the factory hall a closer look.

Norwegian Forest Saugbrugs has invested NOK 150 million in the project. The facility is built adjacent to the existing treatment plant and will use organic waste from paper production to produce renewable energy.

– It’s a great day for both Saugbrugs, Halden and for all our employees, said CEO of Norwegian Forest, Sven Ombudstvedt to Halden Arbeiderblad.

He said this is an important part of the company’s growth strategy in areas other than paper.

– We have the ambition to make approximately 25 percent of our earnings from other activities by 2020, and this is the first concrete step, said the CEO.


Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today
