Labour Inspectorate found offenses amoung vipps-workers

DNB services stress testDNB logo. Photo Norway Today Media.

Labour Inspectorate has found several offenses in their control of Indian workers who work with service Vipps for DNB. The bank says the case is not as serious as initially suggested.

A preliminary report shows that employees in the Indian IT company Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) worked several weeks at a stretch without breaks and more overtime than permitted, NRK reported.

Employees worked 14 to 16 hours per day every day, even on holidays.
According to the channel NRK in June.

DNB stated in a press release for the bank that we are talking about “certain violations of the rules for working hours” and that the bank takes this as a serious matter.

According to DNB Labour Inspection the preliminary review shows that 18 out of 290 consultants worked slightly longer than the rules allow. The consultant who has worked most was working an average working time of 51 hours per week, said the bank.

– We are not satisfied about violations of working hours. People who work for DNB, whether they are employed directly, or work for a supplier, should not work too much. Meanwhile, the report is important because it shows that the Authority’s preliminary findings are far less serious than the NRK reported in June, says Øyvind Trangerud, director of technology and supplier management in DNB.


Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today