Less new home sales in Eastern Norway
The sale of new homes in Eastern Norway over the past two months was 21% lower than in the previous two months.
Since mid-October, 1,239 new homes had been sold in Eastern Norway. This is 21%less than in the previous two-month period wrote Dagens Næringsliv newspaper.
Sales were 4% higher than at the same time last year but lower than in the pre-Christmas months in 2014, 2015, and 2016.
In the whole of Norway, 2,436 new homes have been sold since mid-October. This is 12% fewer than in the previous two-month period, but 5% higher than during the same period last year according to a report from Socio-economic Analysis (Samfunnsøkonomisk analyse).
Over the past two years, new housing sales have been steadily weaker than housing sales in 2015 and 2016.
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