The low summer temperatures have led to lower ice cream sales this year than last year.
The Norwegian Group reports that ice cream sales have fallen almost 6 percent from the same period last year, writes the Nation.
“It is the last weeks’ lack of sun that must be blamed for the failing sales,” says communications manager Kine Søyland in the Norgesgruppen.
Harald Kristiansen, Head of Communications at Coop Norway, says that they also experience a decline in ice sales. So far this year, its 8 percent less than compared to last year, while in June they have fallen by 4 percent from last year.
“But, given the huge sales last year, I thought that the decline would have been greater as the heat has failed this year. Now we are on a fairly normal sale. In other words: A normal Norwegian summer, he says.
Finance Director Geir Inge Hansen in Diplom-Is agrees that the weather is the main reason why ice cream sale are goes less than last year.
“Just to look out the window, the weather isn’t giving any reason to buy ice cream. Last year it was an extreme summer and the desire for ice cream was also larger”, he says.
For the ice cream producers, the summer months are crucial for the annual profit. It is May, June and July that are the three months of the year where the ice cream sales are best.
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