Three workers who were offered employment positions by Oslo Municipality as low as 0.58% have now received 50% positions.
The increase came after Dagsavisen newspaper reported on Tuesday that the current cleaners, who worked 60 and 70% as temporary staff, were offered job opportunities of 3.58%, 2.28% and 0.58% respectively.
“Of course, they are happy to get a permanent position,” said Stig Berntsen, deputy chairman of Dagsavisen.
After meeting with management in the health department, health agency representative, Tone Tellevik Dahl, said, ”I am very pleased that we have found a solution for the three employees,”.
The cleaners worked 60 and 70% as temporary workers. It was after their trade union demanded that they get a job that the job rates were offered. Berntsen does not believe that the offer was serious.
‘’I asked in a written request if this was seriously meant. The epost was read but not answered,’’ he said.
A new offer did not arrive until Dagsavisen had taken the matter up on Tuesday.
A review of the municipality’s routines will now be undertaken, announced city councillor, Tellevik Dahl.
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