On Monday, Norway and China will sign a new salmon agreement that will open the way for more Norwegian salmon exports.
‘’An important market’’ said the fisheries delegate to China.
The new agreement will be signed with China’s Customs and Veterinary Minister, Ni Yuefeng, who is currently visiting Norway. In addition, an agreement will also be signed to help secure market access for Norwegian fishmeal and oil in China.
‘’China is one of our biggest growth markets. These agreements are important for Norwegian seafood companies. The increase in seafood consumption in China is greater than the entire annual production in Norway. It says a little about how important this
country is’’ said Fisheries Minister, Harald T. Nesvik of Fremskrittsparti (FRP).
The salmon protocol was signed for the first time in 2017, and lasts for two years at a time.
In the next few days, the Chinese Minister will meet with Agriculture and Food Minister, Olaug Bollestad of Kristelig Folkeparti (KrF), the Directors of the Norwegian Food Safety Authority, the Tolldirektoratet, and visit Austevoll in Hordaland together with Fisheries Minister, Nesvik.
Important market
Norway’s seafood council’s fishing exporter to China, Kine Victoria Braathen, believes it is very positive that Norway and China have met this week with a view to market access and opportunities for increased trade.
‘’China is an important market for Norwegian seafood, and a market we have great expectations for in the years to come. Norwegian seafood meets Chinese consumers’ ever-increasing demand for tasteful, healthy and safe seafood’’ said Braathen to NTB news.
So far this year, fresh salmon is the most exportedseafood product from Norway to China. According to the Seafood Council’s figures up to and including last week, Norway has exported 8,788 tonnes of
salmon for a value of NOK 609 million to China so far this year.
‘’This is an increase of 78% compared to the same period last year’’ said Braathen.
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