The Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise (NHO) wants to prohibit private individuals purchasing cleaning services from companies that are not officially approved. Today, such a ban applies only to businesses and government agencies, reported NRK news.
The scheme for public companies and agencies came into force in 2012, so that all cleaning companies had to have the approval of the Labour Inspectorate to be able to operate legally.
For companies that purchase cleaning services, the current requirement is that they may use cleaning companies that are either approved, or have an application for approval in process.
Corresponding requirements don’t apply today to private consumers who purchase cleaning services, wrote the Ministry of Employment and Social Affairs in a press release in connection with a consultation proposal sent this spring.
CEO of NHO, Anne-Cecilie Kaltenborn, believes it’s time that such a ban should also apply to private individuals.
‘Individuals who buy household cleaning services need to know whether they are buying from a company that has passed the approval scheme or not’ she told NRK news.
Kaltenborn believes such an approval scheme in the retail market will make it less socially acceptable to purchase ‘black’ (untaxed) cleaning services for the home.
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