Many workers in Norway believe that they are more efficient and concentrate better in their home office. At the same time, their interaction with colleagues has deteriorated, according to a survey from Norsk Eiendom.
The association has carried out an analysis of attitudes when it comes to home offices. A total of 663 employees in companies all over Norway participated in the survey.
Almost 50%, regardless of age, said they concentrate better in their home office. Between 40% and 50% in the age group 30-60 years think they are more effective in the home office than in the office at work.
About 40% said that the efficiency of their work is better. Just over 30% said they deliver better quality work.
At the same time, 75% answered that their creativity and interaction with colleagues have deteriorated.
About 65% said they receive less feedback and guidance from colleagues. Half believe that their professional development has deteriorated.
Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayFinance
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