Norway could lose 225 billion on the so-called ‘Lofoten compromise’

LofotenLofoten. Photo:

The Norwegian oil and gas interest organization, Norsk Olje og Gass, has calculated that the Labour Party’s (Ap) Lofoten compromise could add up to NOK 225 billion in lost tax revenues.

The calculation is based on resource calculations from the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate, and assumes that Aps’s conservation of Nordland 7, and Troms 2 outside Lofoten, Vesterålen and Senja, will be carried out.

It is also based on today’s oil price, and a US Dollar exchange rate of 8.5, according to Dagens Næringsliv.

Finance Minister and Fremskrittspartiet (Progress Party – FrP) leader, Siv Jensen, said that the ‘lost’ oil wells, and the Ap’s Lofoten compromise, are some of the issues she will attempt to solve when she opens the party’s national conference on Friday.

‘They do not just say no to oil. They say no to more work, and to working people, they say no to northern Norway, and they say no to our welfare throughout the country.

I think it is quite amazing from a party that is now hiding on the issues of work, employment, and unemployment, that those who are open minded are quite aware that this could represent a significant welfare loss for the nation,’ said Jensen.


Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today