Norway introduces more financial sanctions against North Korea
A ban on investments in a number of North Korean industries and the sale of dedicated services to the dictatorship is being introduced, reports the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The sanctions are due to North Korea’s trial and missile tests, which are in violation of the Security Council’s resolutions.
“Test blasts and missile tests pose a threat to peace and stability regionally and globally,” the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said.
The prohibition of investments applies to arms-related industries, metallurgy, metalworking and spacecraft.
Furthermore, sales of computer related services and services related to mining, chemical industry and refining to persons and entities in North Korea are banned.
North Korea tested another missile
The news of the sanctions comes a few hours after North Korea tested a new air force weapon shot near the coastal city of Wonsan.
The ballistic short-distance missile recovers 450 kilometers before that land in the Japan Sea.
On May 22, the Security Council condemned North Korea’s launch of a mid-range package, promising to strengthen efforts to implement sanctions against the country.
The regulations on the Norwegian ban came into force on 9 May. The ban is in line with the Security Council and the EU’s restrictive measures against North Korea.
Exceptions are made in the prohibition for developmental purposes that are directly aimed at civilian needs or to promote nuclear disarmament.
Norway’s humanitarian aid to North Korea continues as before.
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