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Norway’s Weather Forces Power Imports

Electricity Price Outage PowerElectricity, Photo:

At this time of year and under normal circumstances, Norway would be exporting its surplus electricity to her Nordic neighbors, but due to the dry spring weather & current high summer temperatures, Norway is importing more electricity than she’s exporting.


Statnett reveals that Norway’s electrical power generation is hampered this year by unusually hot & dry seasons within most parts of the country. With low power generation, Norway must import its electricity, with most of the imported power coming from electric ‘wind farms’ within Denmark & Sweden.

The dry weather directly impacts hydro reservoir water levels, and the current low water pressure within the reservoirs has led to weakened ability to generate electrical energy, both within Norway and the other Nordic countries dependent upon hydro power.

Norway’s hydro-electric generators produce about 22 Terawatts; representing the electrical needs of 1.1 million residents (about half of Norway’s households).

A Terawatt of electricity is equal to one trillion (1012) watts.

Norway’s domestic electricity supply promotes the use of electricity, and electric is the most common energy used for heating up cold floors and making domestic hot water. However, a significant share of total electrical production is consumed by Norway’s national industry.

Norway has an open electric market, integrated with other Nordic countries, with electric exports & imports carried over power lines linking Norway to Sweden, Denmark, and the Netherlands.

Statnett is a Norwegian, state-owned enterprise responsible for Norway’s electric power generation and distribution.

The company has its corporate headquarters in Oslo, Norway.


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