Norwegian bloggers sell advertising for almost NOK 300 million

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A new report shows that the advertising market for Norwegian bloggers is larger than for cinema and weekly press.

A new report from the Swedish analysis company Institute for Advertising and Media Statistics (IRM) shows that Norwegian bloggers, youtubers and social media profiles last year sold advertising for NOK 237 million.

This year, sales are expected to rise by 22 percent to NOK 289 million, writes Campaign.

In comparison, this year’s advertising market for cinema and weekly press is expected to be in excess of NOK 200 million and NOK 157 million.

It is the Media Companies’ National Association (MBL), the Advertising Association (Anfo) and the Media Agency Association who have commissioned the new report on the market for blog advertising.

“Influencer marketing has reached a size comparable to other well-established channels,” Anfo chief Jan Morten Drange told Campaign.

© NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today

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